Tile works Lane, Hanningfield

Works in progress for the new development in Rettendon are based on the waterfowl of the reservoir. Built on a brown field site close to the reservoir and nature discovery park, artist Bruce Williams has worked with the volunteers at the reservoir, to create two pieces based on Crested Grebes and Grey Lag Geese, both of whom are regulars on the water.

The Artist

Bruce Williams uses photography and high-tech fabrication techniques to make permanent sculptures and three dimensional photographic objects for public spaces. The materials are robust but they are manipulated to play with light, to create effects that are delicate and subtle. They are always designed for their locations. The pieces for Hanningfield take the form of a sign post marking the arrival at the development, and a pedestrian height screen adjacent to the pond.

The Works

The Greylag Goose takes centre stage, with its watery reflection, adjacent to the pond at the entrance to the development. The pair of Great Crested Grebes, together forming a heart, sit atop the street signage, welcoming visitors and residents alike.

Laser-cut painted steel the artworks have a manipulated image with reflections, creating playful images that subtly alter as you approach.


the inspiration for the sculpture


Commission: The waters edge; street furniture for Hanningfield Park

Artist: Bruce Williams

Location: HanningField Park, Rettendon, Chelmsford

Client: Randall Watts Ltd.


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